Sunday, 11 April 2010

Bucket seats, terrible fibreglass, and freebies..

I picked up the seats, as advertised, and the very nice chap knocked 10 quid off for a missing lever (should be fairly straight forward to replace), and threw in a sky-light window, a water pump, a circuit-breaker box, and an external socket! (Yay!)

Got the seats in ok. Well, actually just one of the seats so far, and it took some not inconsiderable time, as I had to turn the plates around and re-drill them to fit. The drivers seat went in very well though so I'm quietly confident about the passenger seat. I've given up on the idea of fitting swivels. These aren't particularly big seats but I'm pretty confident that there wouldn't be enough room to turn them around. Next stop for the front and is to try to sort out those nigglesome leaks, then carpet...

Tried to put some of the fibreglass insulation today and gave up when after 5 minutes it felt like I had been molested by a million midges. Midges that mainly bite eyeballs. And wrists. Horrible stuff, but good for keeping warm air in. I'll have another go with full environment suit on next time (i.e. long sleeves, gaffer tape, rubber gloves, and goggles).

1 comment:

  1. I fitted front swivel seats in my pilot. Just moved the handbrake to a central position. It does fit.
